When you choose our Group, you are calling upon an independent and ISO 13485 : 2016 certified supplier of integrated solutions.
Production of customized Single-Use assemblies
We are by your side for every phase of your project:
Taking your constraints into account when selecting components and packaging
Drawing up specifications
Feasibility studies, including a prototype phase and a test phase (integrity)
Integrity tests and other laboratory tests
Production of custom assemblies in cleanrooms
Contract packing, packaging and labelling
Gamma irradiation, sterility if needed
Implementation of appropriate supply chain solutions
Deliveries with total traceability
Supply of a validation guide and regulatory support
Quality Assurance
Training for implementation and monitoring
Contract reviews
Component sales
We offer a wide range of innovative, high-performance components

We provide you with advice and technical expertise with total independence
We give you access to a full range of services including a logistics platform for your storage needs
We ensure short delivery times thanks to our stock of product references
We guarantee quality assurance
We provide you with all the necessary documentary and regulatory support